Fresh Courage Take

Sister Challis reporting for duty once again at Headquarters after a two-week leave-of-absence to feed, diaper, and cuddle babies; organize pantries and closets; fold laundry; wash dishes; run errands; play games with grandkids; celebrate;  wash slime out of a toddler’s hair; hem a wedding dress; and address wedding announcements.  An unnamed friend chided me for leaving Elder Challis and mission duties behind, but I only felt a little guilty while I was serving a Help-Lindsey-Survive-Twins Mission; a Help-Autumn-Survive-Being-Mother-of-Five Mission; and a Help-Noel-with-Wedding Mission.  Truth be told, it was difficult to give up those missions and return to Headquarters. 

The Sunday I was in Olathe with Autumn’s family, baby Seeley was blessed—wearing the dress that her mother and her older sister Ruth wore for their blessings.  In the blessing, her dad counseled her to follow the example of her mother and older sister.  Really glad I could be there. 

Elder Challis not only attended to mission duties at the Library, but also continued the Help-Lindsey Mission by driving to Pleasant Grove each night to feed the twins in the wee hours.  Stamina!   Happy to report that Luke and Elle’s pediatrician said they could be off oxygen last week and they did well. 

The Library has been busy the past two weeks, especially the most recent week with Roots Tech.  There were times when every computer on the US-Canada floor was occupied by a patron.  Elder Challis reported that was “fun.”  Not sure I would have agreed.  “Fresh courage take” as we move into the library busy season—and try to balance all the ongoing missions. 😊     
Luke and Elle put their head together 

Seeley is a sweet blessing.

Farewell committee in coats and jammies ready to run to street corner waving good-bye. Family tradition.  


  1. So happy you were able to spend some sweet and I'm sure exhausting time with family! We sure miss you guys!!


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