Modulation in All Things
Happy surprise to see the Call family. Abby Brothers and Sisters One of "our" many splendid trees. Out of the “training zone,” but still in training. Monday, with our assignment to the FHL, we began working our way through sixteen computer modules specific to serving in that building. We have learned computer tricks, patron service, and searches. After completing each module, we take a quiz on the computer--three incorrect and we must repeat the lesson. (I hate trick questions.) When we see the celebratory confetti on the computer screen, we then set up a “review” with someone who has already earned a blue lanyard. Ten passed, with six to go. And then…we train specific to the U.S. and Canada floor. In the four-day Thanksgiving break, we had generous helpings of delicious food and time with family and friends. We heard someone calling our name as we were walking home on Tuesday. When we turned to ...