Memory Lane
Seeking shade from tall trees instead of tall buildings for our afternoon walk, we decided on Monday to drive to the Yalecrest neighborhood where Elder Challis lived from about age five until he left for college—his East High days. We were not disappointed by the trees! The neighborhood is beautiful! Besides seeing the Challis home, we also found homes where Presidents Nelson, Kimball, Benson, GA Smith and other church leaders lived for a time. I was especially wanted to see the Kimball home. The Kimballs graciously shared their house plans with their friends, my Mitchell grandparents, so Grandpa and Grandma’s house in Parowan has a similar floor plan to the Kimballs’. Yalecrest memories Whitney Girls Incoming meteorite! Thursday was another “walk down Memory Lane” when my college roommates met me for lunch. BYU days were a long time ago, but they are sti...