Winter Wonderland
It is a “winter wonderland” here in Salt Lake, with enough snow to cover the grass and turn the foothills white. Thankfully, the snow is cleared promptly from city sidewalks and walking paths, so we still get out and walk, marveling at the snowy peaks against a blue, blue sky. We are on the “schedule” now on the US/Canada floor. That is the true “wonder” land: we wonder how we could have already forgotten so much of what we’ve studied; we wonder when we will be “helpers” in deed and not just in title; and one of us wonders when the anxiety will subside when a patron approaches with a research challenge. In the meantime, we continue to work our way through the lessons, most recently US Land and Property Records—the fun part of that lesson was the BLM website with a map that shows tracts of land that were homesteaded. The vocabulary in that lesson was more challenging for me than it was for Elder Challis, the engineer. Venturing across the bord...